1st Workshop on Multi-disciplinary, Open, and RElevant Requirements Engineering

ICSE'24 Workshop
Submit Here!

Important Dates (AoE)

  • Paper Submission: December 10th, 2023
  • Author notification: January 11th, 2024
  • Workshop day: April 16th, 2024

Workshop Overview

Requirements engineering (RE) is a critical sub-field of software engineering that deals with identifying, specifying, modeling, analyzing, and validating the needs and constraints of a system. Despite the wide spectrum of activities that the requirements engineering covers, practitioners and researchers alike have often the misconception that RE is limited to writing and analyzing requirements specifications. Consequently, many researchers in the software engineering community conduct research on RE problems but do not explicitly acknowledge it. Therefore, RE is generally under-represented and under-appreciated in the SE community.

The MO2RE workshop represents an opportunity to highlight the multiple facets of RE, clarify its role within the software development process, and bring together the broader SE community where RE is involved–e.g., testing, human aspects. The workshop is a shared place to gather the SE community around RE as a central topic while also hosting contributions from other under-represented areas, closely related to RE (e.g., modelling and system architecture).


We welcome submissions at the intersection of RE and other sub-fields of software engineering, including but not limited to:

  • RE for Emerging Technologies (e.g., Quantum Computing)
  • RE for Artificial Intelligence
  • Applications of (Generative) Artificial Intelligence in RE
  • Human Factors of RE
  • RE for Society and Sustainability
  • Twin-peaks of Requirements and Architecture
  • Modeling Requirements and Systems
  • Requirements Elicitation, Analysis and Specification
  • Requirements Management
  • Requirements Verification and Validation
  • Requirements for Testing and Security
  • RE Education and Training
  • RE for Sustainability

The workshop also welcomes submissions that are more specific on RE given the current advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Specifically, topics including the following:

  • How RE can affect the revolution of AI towards more responsible and ethical AI.
  • How AI can impact the effectivity and efficiency of RE and software engineering activities.
  • Generative-driven AI within the RE spectrum

Call for Papers

Research Papers

Max 7 pages for long and 4 pages for short, including references. These papers should describe ongoing research that links RE with the entire spectrum of software engineering. Such papers can describe either a new technical solution or an empirical evaluation. Short papers present preliminary work or research previews, while long papers present more advanced, yet ongoing, studies.

Position Papers

Max 4 pages, including references. These papers serve to foster discussion on emerging, relevant topics that emphasize the multi-facets of RE.

Demo Papers

Max 4 pages, including references. These papers describe a tool that provides automated support in some RE activities. The demo paper should describe a plan for demonstrating the tool at the workshop.

Lightning Talks

Max 2 pages, including references. A lightning talk is a short presentation lasting up to five minutes on a related topic (we would be looking for controversial topics, industry experiences, etc.).


  • Workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library
  • Submissions are single-blind. Authors' name, institution, and contact details should appear on the first page
  • Submission should be written in English, formatted according to the ICSE'24 conference template, and submitted in PDF format
  • The page limit is strict
  • Submissions should use the official ACM Primary Article Template that can be obtained from the ACM Proceedings Template page
  • LaTeX users should use the sigconf option, as well as the review (to produce line numbers for easy reference by the reviewers) using the following snippet \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart} \acmConference[ICSE 2024]{46th International Conference on Software Engineering}{April 2024}{Lisbon, Portugal}


Abstract: The fact of the matter is that many software development organizations do not develop software based on complete and precise requirements. Some organizations require explicit requirements for certification purposes (e.g., traceability to acceptance test cases) or because their customers demand them (e.g., for contractual purposes). Many others rely, at best, on a high-level business plan or vision, and adopt an agile development process involving frequent interactions with future users. Further, when requirements are written, it is often in natural language, and they are often imprecise and incomplete. I will explore, based on my experience, the factors at play to explain this situation and possible ways to make precise software requirements worth their cost, from a practical perspective. I will argue that, in many contexts, (precise) requirements must lead to better automation of various development tasks to be considered economically viable, and that this must be the focus of our research to achieve maximal practical impact.

Bio: Lionel C. Briand is professor of software engineering and has shared appointments between (1) The University of Ottawa, Canada, and (2) The Lero Centre—the national Irish centre for software research—hosted by the University of Limerick, Ireland. In collaboration with colleagues, for over 30 years, he has run many collaborative research projects with companies in the automotive, satellite, aerospace, energy, financial, and legal domains. Lionel has held various engineering, academic, and leading positions in seven countries. He currently holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) on "Intelligent Software Dependability and Compliance" and is the director of Lero, the national Irish re for software research. Lionel was elevated to the grades of IEEE Fellow and ACM Fellow for his work on software testing and verification. Further, he was granted the IEEE Computer Society Harlan Mills award, the ACM SIGSOFT outstanding research award, and the IEEE Reliability Society engineer-of-the-year award. He also received an ERC Advanced grant in 2016 on modelling and testing cyber-physical systems, the most prestigious individual research award in the European Union and was elected a fellow of the Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada in 2023. More details can be found at www.lbriand.info.


The programme below mixes research and position papers (30 minutes), lighting talks (15 minutes), and a series of activities (more details coming soon).
Time is UTC+0 (Lisbon time)

Session 1: Welcome + Keynote + workshop activity 9:00–10:30
  • Welcome from the organizers (09:00–09:10)
  • Keynote by Lionel Briand (09:10–10:10)
  • Invited reflections on MO2RE topics by Bashar Nuseibeh (10:10–10:30)
Coffee break 10:30–11:00
Session 2: Architecture&Evolution + workshop activity 11:00–12:30
  • Post-Incident Action Items: Crossroads of Requirements Engineering and Software Evolution by M. Pope and J. Sillito (11:00–11:30)
  • Probing with Precision: Probing Question Generation for Architectural Information Elicitation by G. Rejithkumar, P. R. Anish, J. S. and S. Ghaisas (11:30–12:00)
  • Activity discussing Why RE is not sufficiently represented in SE (12:00–12:30) | See results here
Lunch break 12:30–14:00
Session 3: Accessibility, human aspects, and DEI + workshop activity 14:00–15:30
  • A Conceptual Model For Web Accessibility Requirements In Agile Development by D. Miranda, J. Araújo and G. Liebel (14:00–14:30)
  • On the Awareness about Diversity and Inclusion being integrated to Requirements Engineering by K. Gama (14:30–14:45)
  • Assuring the emotional and cultural intelligence of intelligent software systems by A. B. Belle (14:45–15:00)
  • Emotion-Driven Adaptation of Healthcare Applications using GRL and UCM Requirements Models by M. N. Alkhomsan, M. Baslyman and M. Alshayeb (15:00–15:15)
  • Invited reflections on MO2RE topics Daniela Damian (15:15–15:30)
Coffee break 15:30–16:00
Session 4: Requirements for compliance and code + workshop activity + closing 16:00–17:30
  • Modeling, Analyzing and Communicating Regulatory Ambiguity: An Empirical study E. Kempe, A. Massey, C. Seaman, S. Sampath and S. Semsar (16:00–16:30)
  • Quality Requirements for Code: On the Untapped Potential in Maintainability Specifications by M. Borg (16:30–17:00)
  • Invited reflections on MO2RE topics by Rashina Hoda (17:00–17:20)
  • Wrap up and closing (17:20–17:30)

Organizing Committee

For questions about the workshop, reach us via e-mail

Sallam Abualhaija

University of Luxembourg

Chetan Arora

Monash University

Alessio Ferrari


Davide Fucci


Paola Spoletini

Kennesaw State University

Program Committee

  • Andreas Vogelsang, University of Cologne (Germany)
  • Damiano Torre, St. Mary's University (USA)
  • Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University (The Netherlands)
  • Fabio Calefato, University of Bari (Italy)
  • Fatma Başak Aydemir, Boğaziçi University (Turkey)
  • Frank Houdek, Daimler AG (Germany)
  • Gunter Mussbacher, McGill University (Canada)
  • Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila (Italy)
  • James Tizard, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
  • Jennifer Horkoff, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
  • Lloyd Montgomery, University of Hamburg (Germany)
  • Nan Niu, University of Cincinnati (USA)
  • Neil A. Ernst, University of Victoria (Canada)
  • Nicolas Sannier, University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • Raghu Reddy, IIIT Hyderabad (India)
  • Saad Ezzini, Lancaster University (UK)
  • Seung Yoeb Shin, University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
  • Smita Ghaisas, TCS Research, Tata Consultancy Services (India)
  • Soo Ling Lim, University College London (UK)
  • Tao Yue, Simula Research (Norway)
  • Tong Li, Beijing University of Technology (China)
  • Travis Breaux, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
  • Zhi Jin, Peking University (China)
  • Xiaoli Lian, Beihang University (China)
  • Zhi Jin, Peking University (China)
  • Nicole Novielli, University of Bari (Italy)
  • Oliver Karras, TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (Germany)
  • Julian Frattini, BTH (Sweden)
  • Muhammad Abbas, RISE (Sweden)